Blackberry Playbook Price Reducted??

The news that the BlackBerry Playbook will be revealed prices ranging proven. Research in Motion (RIM) as producers begin to cut the price of the tablet computer in their home country, Canada.

Local retailers, Best Buy, Future Ship and Staples has cut the price of 100 dollars Canadian Playbook. Also still a $ 100 gift certificate plus other Canadian dollars with certain conditions.

The result was satisfactory, the Playbook is reportedly sold out their stock. Best Buy and Staples to sell in the discount program that only applies two weeks. While Staples does not mention when tempting offer came to an end.

Now, users in Canada can get the Playbook for $ 249 Canadian dollars. The price cuts include computed from the gift card worth 100 Canadian dollars if the purchase is done online.

Quoted from Ars Technica, Monday (26/09/2011), discount Playbook first offered to workers in the local telecom operator, Rogers. RIM is now also decided to cut prices to consumers, though still limited.

Sales Playbook is not in line with expectations, much less with the Apple iPad. The price cuts were made ​​in order to woo consumers back interest-based tablet that QNX operating system.



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