Galaxi Tab 8.9 For Professional Women

Samsung Electronics was again a surprise. Mobile phone manufacturers who dominate the class of tablets in Indonesia this newest release tablet, the Galaxy Tab 8.9. This time the tablet is 8.9 inches sailed over targeting the segment of active women, with high mobility.

Tab latest series from Samsung is equipped with Google's Android Operating System Honeycomb 3.1 and 1 GHz processor Dual Core Tegra 2. Not only is technology being developed in the release of Samsung's new advanced devices. Sizes and colors are also a concern.

Galaxy Tab 8.9 is designed with a lightweight streamlined posture. Weighing only 453 grams, with a thickness of 8.6 mm. Part belakangya white casing so it looks more feminine.

"Galaxy 8.9 is more targeted career women, young professionals are active and mobile, the age of 30. Its small size and handy can put into a bag lady, even if the style is still carried by hand," said Eka Anwar, Head of Marketing Communication Samsung Electronics Indonesia on the sidelines of the launch and exhibition Galaxy Tab 8.9 at Plaza Senayan, Jakarta, Saturday (01/10/2011).

Samsung's latest advanced tablet is priced at USD 600, but specifically in the day of launch, the tablet is priced only $ 550 for the first 500 shoppers who come to the exhibition area at the Atrium Plaza Senayan.

Problem excellent features, Adina Nesvia, Product Marketing Samsung Mobile, Samsung Electronics Indonesia said excess Galaxy 8.9. Among other things, full HD video formats, including playback and recording, Recording HD camera, the main camera 3 Mega Pixel 2 Mega Pixel camera front.

Dinda added that Samsung also buried two flagship feature on this 8.9 Galaxy. Namely Life Panel that allows users to modify the screen as they pleased, as well as Adobe Flash Player features that make browsing more enjoyable activities. Supported by OS Honeycomb, Galaxy Tab 8.9 more multitasking.

"With full HD format, sharper resolution so that users are more comfortable when watching movies or YouTube videos. Features Social Hub also adds another convenience for users to network," he added.

In launching new tablet, Eka was not willing to mention its sales target 8.9 Galaxy Tab until the end of 2011. "The target to be number one, selling as much as possible and meet the needs of consumers," he said briefly.

Eka explained, Samsung still survive in the first order for a class of tablets in Indonesia, since the series first launched in 2010. "Growth tablets 400 percent from a year ago," he continued.

Evolving needs of consumers who responded to this by presenting a series Samsung with new tablet, answering the needs of consumers who want a tablet in a smaller size and practical.

"Last year, the Galaxy Tab 10.1 was too big. Galaxy 8.9 is now smaller, lighter, thinner, to answer that need," said Eka.



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