Steve Job Will Present At Iphone 5 Lounch?

Although no longer serving as CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs is rumored to be still present in the Apple event this October 4, accompanied successors Tim Cook, who will introduce the new iPhone.

Steve Jobs resigned as Apple's CEO last August with health considerations. Pancreatic cancer cells that undermine its make Steve Jobs must be handed the reins to Tim Cook Apple kepimpinanan. Yet until recently, Steve Jobs is still believed to be the Chairman at Apple.

Apple iPhone 5 or we call aja first fifth-generation iPhone will be introduced on Tuesday or early Wednesday when Indonesia. Of course, Apple's new CEO, Tim Cook who will be the keynote speaker. However, Steve Jobs is still expected by the fans of Apple's presence at this major event. Steve Jobs is famous for his keynote that can "zap" the audience in attendance.

Previously, every time Apple launches a new product, Steve Jobs has always been a central figure who first introduced the new product. Only once Jobs was a keynote speaker at the launch of 3G iPhone in 2009.

Will Steve Jobs be present? According to reports Apple Insider, Jobs will be present to accompany Tim Cook who will deliver his first keynote. However, many people are "pessimistic" Steve Jobs will be present due to deteriorating health condition Jobs. Steve Jobs Steve Jobs always remain "stock" a surprise for his fans. The last surprise when he gave was present at the launch rumored iPad 2 despite his health condition is very severe.



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