Antena Reflector Parabolic

Prepaparing easy template for your USB WLAN or Router :
  1.  Download Template
  2. Open in MS Paint and resize as desired.  Ensure that you keep the square on the diagram square.
  3. Print image on business card stock or acetate (document protector).
  4. Cut it out and open the six slots with sissors or an X-Acto knife.
  5. Glue tin foil to the back side of the reflector surface
  6. Assemble by placing the six tabs in the six slots.
If printed at the download size you will see about 9 dBi of gain.  If you double the size of the image before you print it you will see about 12 dBi of gain.  If you place two reflectors on an AP with two antennas you will see an additional increase in performance
klik right mouse at picture then save image as



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