Steve Jobs confirms iOS 4 update to fix 3G Confirm Issue

Are you one of the unlucky folks who updated their iPhone 3G phone only to find out there were performance problems with the iOS 4 upgrade? Well, fear not. There is hope and it comes in the form of a short email from Steve Jobs.

MacRumors reports that an email to Jobs stated:
I’ve waited patiently through 4.0.1 and 4.0.2, looking for a fix that will make my phone work again. I’ve read the forums that advise me to jailbreak my phone or use some other method so I can downgrade back to a version of iPhone 3, however I’m not prepared to use a method that is not supported by Apple.
Jobs response was straight and to the point.

Software Update coming soon.
Sent from my iPhone
Of course, no timeline or further details were provided. That’s textbook Management 101. Under-promise and over-deliver.



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