Samsung Galaxi S II Railed 10 Million Unit

Samsung relied on the upscale segment of smartphones, Galaxy S II does not disappoint. So far, phones with Android OS Gingerbread has penetrated amount of sales of 10 million units.

Galaxy II was a Samsung smartphone with the fastest sales growth. As quoted from PCMag, Monday (9/26/2011), the number of sales was achieved in just over five months since its marketing.

A total of 3.6 million units sold in the Galaxy S II South Korea, 3.4 million units in Europe and 2.3 million units in Asia. Galaxy II has recently marketed in the United States, one of the most important markets. The number of units sold was expected to continue to rise.

"In just five months of the Galaxy S II show that reflects the great growth in popularity throughout the world," claims JK Shin, President of Samsung's Mobile Communications Division.

Sales Galaxy S II is likely to soon surpass his brother, Galaxy S. Galaxy S is also one of the most successful Android phone, has achieved total sales of about 14 million units.



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